

3670 Uppsatser om Communicable Disease Control - Sida 1 av 245

Att leva med en inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom

Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Living with chronic illness meant that life changed significantly. Quality of life was affected for these individuals and was stressful in their lives. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A qualitative literature review was chosen to analyze articles that were related to the aim of this study. Results: Based on the chosen articles five themes were created; Commuting between hope and fear, symptoms of the disease and medication become everyday focus, struggling with  the new identity, desire to control the disease- do I control my illness or does it control me and social relationships are affected. Conclusion: Inflammatory bowel disease is a distressing disease and can cause limitations in social life due to lack of knowledge by others about the disease. The affected felt a loss of control in their life due to the difficulty in managing the symptoms.

Orala problem vid Parkinsons sjukdom

Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder. In Sweden there are 15 000-20 000 individuals affected by the disease.The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oral diseases in individuals with Parkinson's disease. The material for the literature review was gathered in the medical database PubMed. Keywords used for the data research were ?Parkinson?s disease?, ?oral diseases?, ?dry mouth?, ?gingivitis?, ?caries? and ?periodontitis?.

Ett liv i frontlinjen: Ett förteckningsarbete i Margareta Böttigers arkiv

This study is primarily an account of my examination work in archival science which took place in the archive of Margareta Böttiger, the state epidemiologist at the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control Stockholm. The records are from Böttigers period of work, mainly divided into three parts, polio, HIVS/AIDS and vaccination. Of these I have focused on polio with was the area she got renowned for. Moreover, owing to the uniqueness of the material this study has focused on the properties of the archive as a working-life archive which I propose as a special type of personal archive with unique attributes. To summarize, a working-life archive has in comparison with other personal archives a more fluid process of archiving where the profession is important, not the personal production of records.

Hälsoeffekter av patientundervisning och läkemedelsanvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

AbstractBackgroundParkinson?s disease is a chronically not curable progressive disease that leads to different degrees of disability. Controlled studies on how patient education influences subjective health in Parkinson?s disease are lacking.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the influence patient education had on drug requirements and on subjective health status of persons with Parkinson?s disease.MethodologyA short form of Health Survey, SF-12, was used to measure perceived health. SF-12 was administered before and one month after patient education (intervention group; n= 48), and in waiting list control (n= 48).

Kartläggning av hörselnedsättningar, öronsjukdomar samt diagnostiseringsmöjligheter hos 1 ? 5 åriga barn

Ear disease and hearing loss in preschool children can be difficult to discover and diagnose. This paper investigates ear disease in 20 children controls from 1 to 5 years of age. The aim of the study was to map prevalence and incidence for ear disease, and prevalence of hearing loss in a group of children.Twenty children wide aged 1, 1½, 3 and 5 were included and investigated according to a set protocol with psychoacoustic tests, tympanometry, ear microscopy and a parental questionnaire. The majority of the children could be evaluated by age adequate psychoacoustic tests and otoscopy. Tympanometry was the investigation method that was most difficult to perform.

Upplevelser av att vara vårdande närstående till en person med Alzheimers sjukdom : en studie av självbiografier 

Background:Alzheimer´s disease is a so-called degenerative dementia in which brain cells gradually degenerate and die. The disease causes memory disorders and the trait of character disappears. Alzheimer´s disease also affects the related parties that may take a great responsibility. Related caregivers are entitled to support from healthcare. Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of being related when caring for a person suffering from Alzheimer´s disease.

Patienters upplevelser av akuta skeden vid Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom i relation till prehospital vård - En litteraturstudie

Patients with COPD (chronically obstuctive pulmonary disease) often experience acute episodes of the disease. On these occasions it is usual that the ambulance nurse is the patients first contact in the care. The purpose of this study is to describe patients' experiences in acute condition of the disease COPD and the Pre-hospital nursing. The method was systematic literature review with content analysis. The results show four prominent themes on the basis of patients' experiences.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn som har typ 1 diabetes

BackgroundType 1 diabetes is a chronically disease that often occurs in early life. In every year around 77.000 children in the world is estimated with type 1 diabetes. When a child gets a chronically disease it affects the whole family, specially the parents who will be the child's caregiver.AimThe aim of this study was to describe parents experiences of living with a child with type 1 diabetes.MethodA literature review was carried trough based on 10 qualitative scientific articles. The articles were analyzed and two main themes and seven subthemes emerged.ResultsAll parents experienced that they needed some kind of support particularly early in their illness. They felt it was a big responsibility to take care of their child with diabetes and parents often felt anxiety and fear associated with the disease.

Biological control of powdery mildew in greenhouse produced cucumber : an evaluation of two microbiological control agents

Powdery mildew is a serious problem in both field and greenhouse cucumber production and can cause serious infection and radically reduced yields. Today, powdery mildew is the main disease in greenhouse produced cucumber. Disease control should preferably be both efficient and environmentally friendly, which is not easy to achieve at all times. Alternatives to chemical control of powdery mildews are biological control, physical control, non-fungicide control and cultivation of resistant or tolerant varieties. Biological control can be described as the suppression of damaging activities inflicted of a harmful organism by one or more other organisms, which are called antagonists or natural enemies. In Sweden, there are currently no registered biological control products available to control cucumber powdery mildew. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two biological control products in order to evaluate their ability to prevent or reduce powdery mildew infection to an acceptable level in greenhouse produced cucumber. In the experiments, different application regimes were also studied.

Sambandet mellan parodontit och KOL

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease. The disease is the fourth leading cause of death and more than 5 percent of the adult population worldwide is affected.The aim of this study was to investigate the association between periodontitis and COPD.Search for material for the literature review was done in the medical database PubMed where the keywords were: "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" and "Periodontal health or periodontal disease". The result is based on twelve studies that were extracted and analyzed. The studies have investigated pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss. Ten studies compared a COPD group with a healthy control group, one study compared two COPD groups and one study examined a COPD group and a group with other lung diseases.Most studies found that people with COPD had a higher incidence of pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss.

Inclusion Body Disease hos boa- och pytonorm : diagnostiska metoder

Inclusion body disease (IBD) affecting boas and pythons is a serious and common disease. Boas can be clinically healthy carriers, which makes control of the disease difficult. The causative agent has not yet been confidently identified, and therefore there are no serodiagnostic tests available. Today, histopathologic examination of tissue biopsies is the recommended antemortem diagnostic method, but there are several disadvantages. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of two diagnostic methods ? liver biopsies and blood smears, and to evaluate ultrasoundguided needle biopsy of the liver.

Alzheimers sjukdom : Närståendes upplevelser i samband med vården - En studie av självbiografier

Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.

Livskvalitet och rehabilitering för män och kvinnor med diagnostiserad hjärtsjukdom : en litteraturstudie

The aim of the study was to describe how women and men with diagnosed heart disease experience their health-related quality of life and what differences there is between genders in their quality of life and also describe problems after receiving the diagnosis. The study also aimed to describe rehabilitation of patients with heart disease. The study was a descriptive literature study based on scientific articles. It emerged that both women and men with heart disease experienced lower quality of life compared to normative data. There was a significant difference between women and men both one year and three years after receiving the diagnosis heart disease, which showed that women experienced lower quality of life than men.

Träning av motorisk/postural kontroll

Humans and dogs are both mammals. One of the differences between the two species is that man walk on two legs and dogs on four legs. There are also differences in the nerve system between the two species. The human nerve system is supposed to provide opportunity for fine motor tasks- while the nerve system of the dog is more focused on the ability to perform locomotor tasks. Humans need to increase their motor control and postural control when affected by various conditions and diseases.

KVINNLIG OMSKÄRELSE: Afrikanska kvinnors upplevelser av omskärelse efter flytten till västvärlden

Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.

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